Happy new year!

The year is ending and I just have to thank God for all the things that happened in 2013 .
Wonderful … It was a year of the goals achieved .
Worked , played , danced , smiled , cried , won, lost , celebrated , traveled . An incredible year.
The first day of the year was remarkable. David Shields my love , surprised me with the propose of marriage on are trip to Asia. ..it was perfect…i was very surprised!
After that I was very inspired and won the first event I attended outside of Brazil . It was In Asia – Philippinas Boracay . I was very happy at this paradise ,wonderful people and magical places!
2013 was the year of many challenges and risks .I did alot of things that I had not dreamed about doning before, traveling by plane for the first time to the other side of the world , Competing outside of Brazil. Also enjoyed learning new sports Scuba Diving and Windsurfing.
I was so happy with the support of the 4 contracts signed in 2013 with my sponsors: Cabrinhakites.com , Lip Sunglasses , Kitebud Kitesurf School and Cafe De La Musique .
The year 2013 is a year to celebrate
I had fun with friends in Brazil, the team São Sebastião victory for the second consecutive year in the contest of San Pedro, community games .
Celebrated with children’s confirmation of the sponsorship by CSP ( The Company Siderúrgina Pécem ) for social projects of the community and adjacent Cumbuco including kitesurfing .
Celebrete with kitesurfing instructors , for all initiatives and actions taken , and finally we are coming together forming an association in Cumbuco.
I celebrated my friends victory, a fellow Brazilian athletes Carlos Mario who won the PKRA Argentina only 15 years old.
I celebrated when I won all at the last event of the year. I was Bi – champion of the SUPERKITE Brazil , champion of the last stage of the Brazilian Tour and Champion of Ceará, in the Freestyle and Wave catgories.
Celebrated with Dave when he received the wonderful news that he would be sponsored by Cabrinha and Cafe De La Musique to do the tour in Asia with me in 2014 .
My God … Thank you for everything!!
That was my memories of 2013 … Now, let’s kick the ball forward because better than the past is the future.
Welcome 2014!
I wish you all A HAPPY NEW YEAR ! I wish that God continues to give us incredible opportunities and we know how to choose our paths .
I also wish that 2014 comes in with heavy rain providing water for our Lagoon.
Much peace , health , luck, success and much LOVE…



O ano esta acabando e eu só tenho a agradecer ao meu bom Deus, por todas as coisas que aconteceram no ano de 2013.
Foi um ano Maravilhoso…posso dizer que foi o ano dos objetivos alcançados.
Trabalhei,brinquei,namorei, dancei,sorri, chorei, ganhei, perdi, comemorei, viajei…um ano incrivel.
O primeiro dia do ano foi marcante. Daveid Shields meu amor, me surpreedeu com o pedido de casamento…foi perfeito!
Logo depois muito inspirada competi e Fui campea no primeiro evento que participei fora do Brasil. Na Asia- Boracay Fiipinas. Fui muito feliz nesse paraiso.
Conheci pessoas incriveis e lugares magicos.
2013 foi o ano de muitos desfios e riscos. Fiz muita coisa que ainda não tinha feito como viajar de avião , competir fora do Brasil. Curti os esportes que pratiquei como mergulho e windsurf.
Foi um ano de celebraçoes!
Comemorei com os amigos de equipe são sebastião a vitória pelo segundo ano consecutivo na gincana de são pedro.
Comemorei com as crianças a confirmação do patrocinio da CSP (Companhia Siderúrgina do Pécem ) para os projetos sociais da comunidade do Cumbuco e adjacentes incluindo kitesurf.
Comemorei com os instructores de kitesurf, por todas as iniciativas e atitudes tomadas, estamos nos reunindo e nos organizando.
Comemorei com os meu amigos Carlos Mario, pela victoria do Carlos Mario pela vitória na Argentina.
Comemorei quando fui Bi-campea do Superkite Brasil, campea da ultima etapa do Brasileiro e Campea Cearense nas duas catergorias Freestyle e kitewave.
Comemorei os 4 contratos  com os meus patrocinadores CABRINHA, LIP, KITEBUD e CAFE DE LA MUSIQUE.
Comemorei com Dave quando recebeu a maravilhosa noticia que seria patrocinado pela cabrinha e cafe de la musique para fazer o tour na Asia comigo em 2014.
Meu Deus obrigada por tudo!
Essa foi a minha retrospectiva 2013…Agora bola pra frente que numhum passado é  melhor que o futuro!
Desejo a todos de coração um FELIZ ANO NOVO! Que Deus possa continuar nos dando oportunidades incriveis e que nós saibamos escolher os nossos caminhos…
Que 2014 venha com muita chuva de benção e de água para as nossas lagoas…
Muita paz, saude, sorte, sucesso e muito AMOR…pra todos!
At. Estefania Rosa



OBK Open Brazil kitesurf

Hello  friends 🙂 😀 😉

Just to tell you,  that last weekend in Fortaleza I was in  the

first lap of the OBK (Open Brazil Kitesurf ) at the Modality Kitewave.

The best athletes in kitewave in Brazil showing up in Praia do Futuro with good condition in the morning…strong wind and big waves.

Was great to watch the good guys and girls  enjoying the waves, you get inspiration and I just wanted to enjoy it too..

The competition for me was very enjoyable. I meet some old friends, made some new ones too.

Madson and Julianne (friends that live in Fortaleza) came to watch and to give me support..just what I needed….

I noticed my progression during the heats….In the single elimination I was 3rd place and in the double elimination I made my way to the 2nd Place. 

I’m very happy with my performance and the good result in  2nd place)!!!

Next weekend from 15 to 17  of November, I have the 2nd lap of OBK (Open Brazil Kitesurf) in Taiba, One of my favourite spots for kitewave. 🙂 😀

Time to train now…

…speak soon my friends!!! Good wind forevery one ;)!!

Estefania Rosa

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Hello friends. I have been very busy… Happy to have so many things to do, compete, advertise for Cabrinha, kitesurf school Kitebud and social project . I’m glad to have the support from companies in Brazil. This year I start to get the support from Eugenio Fortes Academia and Cafe De La Musique this makes all the difference.

The  Brazilian  Kitesurf Tour is taking me to beautiful places I had never dreamed of. Meeting people from all different places. The state Teresina, area Piaui and Maranhao -Sao Luis,  all wonderful beaches with different kinds of weather for kitesurfing.  Maranhao for example was light wind with gusts now and again. Most of the time I used my 9 metre Cabrinha Switchblade.  In Teresina the wind was strong all the time 30 to 38 knots so I had to hold on to my 7 metre Switchblade ;).Hoping to get  5 metre Switchblade soon.

I’m  2nd place in the tour in Freestyle,  Now I’m waiting for the last stop in Fortaleza on 20/24th of November.




Tomorrow 07/11/2013 is the start of the Brazil  kitewave competition, the  location is on the beach at Praia do Futuro- Fortaleza.

I will be there  to represent Ceara, Cabinha, Kitebud Kitesurf School and LiP sunglasses.

I hope for a good result and more importantly  HAVE FUN!

x x  xx20131026_134941




Champion of Ceara kitewave 1tap

On the first day of the competition i was just training enjoying the spot with the early morning wind, with a cross on shore direction.In the afternoon i noticed the wind drops off and turns direction to on shore, make it difficult in the afternoon.


The second day they held the windsurf and stand up paddle it was great to see all the sports coming together we even did the downwinder race all together.


The third and final day was my day of competition.We had to be there early so we were up at 5.00am. Ready and out the house, driving there in to the next town when the car stops working and it would not start again.David got the bus home to get the buggy. Then we towed the car with the buggy back to the house.After a slow drive with alot of team work we arrived home safely.We put the Cabrinha Gear on the buggy and raced to the city of Fortaleza then to the competition. To arrive late but just in time to pump and compete. The wind was light so my trainer David had the pink 12 meter switchblade and Skillit 5.0 surfboard ready for me. I used my straps on the board as the other girl were using them. i will go with out the strap in the next competition and up my level as im able to do better carves with out straps.I had a very happy result with a first place on my first competition with Cabrinha sponsorship.The celebratory drink was a Red Bull that gives you wings.I made so good friends.

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Kitesurf kitechix clinic was fantastic!

Kitechix kitesurf clinic was fantastic! 11 girls from different country’s  joined the event.

We start with a good  introduction to get to know one each other and our level in kitesurf. Then we talk about what we wanted from the clinic. Then had a thoery lessons about the tricks that we choose to  learn.

The forecast for the wind was for a late afternoon session, so we did not waste time and took advantage of the beautiful beach and  played volleyball and football. Everybody joined in having fun!

Eventually the wind came and we did some kitesurfing to complete the good day.

Was a great experience, i cant wait for my next kitesurf clinic!


#Kitechix Kitesurf clinic with #EstefaniaRosa the Champion #cabrinha team rider 😉 😀

Come and join the girls, having fun, progressing and learning basics to advanced tricks! At Windtown-Cumbuco-Brazil!

See you there on thursday 04/07/2013, Hurry up, Limited space!


One more trophy

The Church of Cumbuco was celebrating 25 years birthday and St Peter’s day. With 10 days of  mass and 4 days of competitions, fun games with five teams.There was a bingo and auction with traditional dishes.

My team in the games was call Sao Sebastiao . It was very fun to play all the different games and made many people laugh.The team enjoyed working together and each person had there own strength. That lead to are team winning the competition for the second time.

Nice to see all the community coming  together supporting all the teams 😉


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Teaching the kids of Cumbuco how to Kitesurf.

Teach the kids of Cumbuco  is one of my  social project. That started in June last year 2012. More info: http://www.kitesurfing-brazil.com (blog)

Thanks to Cabrinhakites supporting me with the new equipamente. I was able to use my new 2013 switchblade kites on the project. Big thanks to Su and Dave Kay for donating the board to the girls. This project started last year with 6 girls, take a look back to July to see the action.

Well this was an unbeatable day.First we got the girls together but only 3 could come.We went in a buggy to Cauipe lagoon. Making the lesson safer, easyer and more fun for everyone. One of the girls can ride and the other two body draged before. The girls were exited to try NEW 2013 Cabrinha Kites and boards. Running through all the basic’s first, sight, environment and activities more saftey then on to setting the equipment up. Learn the new quick release and control bar with new colours. Always having fun. Standing in the shallow water,bodydrag and then the board. By the end of the day the girls were riding small distance’s.The girl that could already ride went to ride with Dave in the middle of the lagoon were there is more space. To end a perfect day, was a special surprise for the girls to meet in person Bruna Kajiya a Brasilian world champ in woman’s freestyle.

I enjoyed the day, seeing the progression made me feel happy knowing  kitesurfing is somthing that they can take on in to there life’s.We are planning the next lessons soon.


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Sandkiting in the Dunes of Cumbuco-Brazil


I love geting up early morning with the sun rise. Taking advantage of the morning wind. It’s starts in the morning with the trade wind that blows in a cross off shore direction. This is not a safe direction as you get blown out to sea. I really want to kite so we decide to try sandkiting. My Cabrinha Switchblade 8m was smooth and stable in the gusty wind of the dunes. The sandboard is call TABICA in Brazil, it was made by my father ;). This was one of my childhood toys. Now with my sponsor Cabrinhakites i have taking it to another level. Makes me feel like a kid again. Then the thermol wind or sea breeze kicks in with the heating up of the dunes, this is around 9 am in the high sesson.This is when the kitesurfing starts. Time to change sand for water and just change the board to X-Caliber.
For more pictures of my fun morning at the dunes have a look at the link below!
x  x x
Play safe!



Just the beginning!

My blog is ready!
Here I will tell my interests. What happens in my day, my life as an athlete, competitions, news, beauty tips for after a day on the sea. I will be also posting videos teaching how to perform trick with style.
At the moment I’m training freestyle and wave. With my new equipement Cabrinha Switchblade i can train both with the same kite. For the boards i have a skillit wave board and X-Caliber for freestyle. You can feel every movement that Cabrinha equipment make’s, giving you the confidence and precise control that you need to have fun.
The wind is good in Cumbuco, not alot of European tourists yet . Cauipe lagoon has filled up bigger then i have ever seen before.So even more space for the few kitesurfers.
June is a very festive month. Many events take place during the month, like the fish festival, and Saint Pedro Party, typical food and dance.
I participate in most community events, is always very fun!One way or another.
The last Saint Pedro party, i was in a team that won the Mini Olympics and the money raising games for the church. The event brought the community of all ages more together. I have signed up this year with the same team so keep an eye out.
Most important good health
Estefania RosaDSCN2968